about patrick

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One secret to a satisfying life has got to be taking one thing at a time and always learning something new. Continued training in martial arts, acting and learning the screenwriter’s craft keep me on my toes. Storytelling and the parallels of these disciplines is abundantly clear.
I believe we need to stay focused and aware at all times to make the most of this life, to connect and be in the moment. Being a ‘problem solver’ rather than a ‘problem maker’ is crucial. As serious as all this sounds, balance is necessary, humor invaluable, and to go a step further, a sense of the ridiculous is the sublime. My motto is, it’s always now and it’s never too late.
A background in musical comedy, eight years in the military ,a stint as a clown at the famed Cirque Medrano in Paris where I lived and worked for several years, have left their mark. Aikido, a Japanese martial art, Japanese calligraphy (Shodo) and the Japanese language are a constant preoccupation. Polishing the spirit as in Zen swordsmanship applies to the actor’s and writer’s craft as well, in my view.
Languages are a fascination and along with speaking French, I’m always trying to learn more German, Spanish, Russian and even Danish. I coach young actors in my spare time and have a Black Belt in Aikido and Poker! Kidding! But Poker and Chess are definitely passions, right along with the Foreign Film Committee for the Oscars and the Student Academy Awards.
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